Thursday, February 25, 2010


Today I FINALLY got my blue bracelet. I'm down a total of 15lbs. Not too shabby, but I could have done better. Like TD said, it's about looking at the past, knowing where you went wrong and learning from it. Now don't do it again! Touche,Mr. Dean, touche.

So with that being said, Here's to a new month ahead (a wedding dress to be bought on Sat-Yay!) and lots of hard work! It's all for three reasons: Andy, Izzy, and Alleyna. And anyone else who decides to come along down the road. ;)

Also, I'd like to just mention that a girl I went to High School with today had some heart wrenching news. She found out the baby she is currently carrying has a fatal heart condition and nothing can be done. God Bless her heart, she has decided to carry the baby to term. Offer up a prayer for her and her family, and the little peanut in her belly. Thank you! =)

Good night all!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I wish this were a "Down in weight" post, but it's not. I have just been in a mood lately. I can't put my finger on it. There is absolutely nothing wrong, great job, great friends, awesome family, etc....just blah. I have had zero motivation to make it to the gym unless my friend Sarah calls me up, or Andy is barking at my butt to go. WHAT IS UP WITH ME?!?!?! It's all just a head game that I'm playing with myself. SHAKE IT!

I take the stairs at work everyday (all 9 floors of them), at least twice a day, and that burns about 60 calories each time, so that's not too shabby. However, I know this isn't good enough. I think some of it has to do with the fact that I am just extremely fatigued. I really need to work on getting my 7 hours of sleep every night. I also think I need a firmer mattress. I wake up with a sore back almost every morning.

Listen to me go on and on..Negative Nancy...SHEESH.

On a positive note, Andy and I are going to look at cars tomorrow. We are heading to Volkswagen to check out some Jettas. So excited!

Weigh in is tomorrow...look out! (>_<) <---Thinking thin!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sad Face. =(

Yesterday was my weigh in day. I gained half a pound. Mother Trucker!!!!!!!!! To be honest, I kinda felt it coming. I totally half assed it this weekend. I was just in one of those, don't talk to me, don't touch me, and you better sure as hell not piss me off kind of moods. However, instead of getting a guilt bashing at weigh in's from TD, I got words of encouragement. He basically told me, suck it up, carry on, rock it this week. We fall down, but you better get up if you want to keep moving forward. So true!

Wiping the slate clean, and REALLY working my butt of this week. I have a wedding gown to purchase at the end of the month. =) Yay!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today was a good day. Stuck to my guns and worked out really hard today. Thursday is weigh-in's so I'm stepping it up a notch. Ya know, I got to thinking....if I can step it up this much for two days straight, why not just do it all the time. DUH! Sometimes, I wonder if that brain of mine is working.

I have a new love/hate relationship with the gym. It was absolutely PACKED tonight. I went around 830pm, and since it's close to UNO, I think all of the college kids come crawling out of their holes. I had to wait for an hour just to get on a treadmill. Sheesh! The elliptical kept me company though. (Yeah, totally didn't make it to the gym at 515 this am. My bed just wouldn't let me go.)

I do have a question for everyone out there....I tend to save the majority of my calories for dinner, over half of them. Would I benefit more from spreading them out more throughout the day, or is this ok? I think I'll have to email TD about this one. I'll let you know what I find out.

So, I did the stairs today at work and just about DIED. Lol. I went from the plaza level to 4th floor, cut across to the second set of stairs in the middle of the building (to take a short breather), and then from 4th floor to mine, which is 8th floor. OMG. My legs were BURNING. And to think, there's a group of people who do this 3x a day 3 reps each! They are training for that Trek up the Tower at First National coming up, but still! I hope to be able to get just from LL1 to 12th floor by oh let's say...April/May. Happy Climbing!

Hope you're all having a good week!
Peace & Hugs