Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I wish this were a "Down in weight" post, but it's not. I have just been in a mood lately. I can't put my finger on it. There is absolutely nothing wrong, great job, great friends, awesome family, etc....just blah. I have had zero motivation to make it to the gym unless my friend Sarah calls me up, or Andy is barking at my butt to go. WHAT IS UP WITH ME?!?!?! It's all just a head game that I'm playing with myself. SHAKE IT!

I take the stairs at work everyday (all 9 floors of them), at least twice a day, and that burns about 60 calories each time, so that's not too shabby. However, I know this isn't good enough. I think some of it has to do with the fact that I am just extremely fatigued. I really need to work on getting my 7 hours of sleep every night. I also think I need a firmer mattress. I wake up with a sore back almost every morning.

Listen to me go on and on..Negative Nancy...SHEESH.

On a positive note, Andy and I are going to look at cars tomorrow. We are heading to Volkswagen to check out some Jettas. So excited!

Weigh in is tomorrow...look out! (>_<) <---Thinking thin!

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